The Types and Considerations for Choosing Van Locks You Need to Know

The vast majority of commercial-use vehicle owners would only feel safe until they have installed additional security measures. One of the most commonly purchased security devices is Van locks in YorkshireThey come in a diverse range of locking solutions that meet the specific requirements of vehicle owners. Nonetheless, choosing the right van lock can be confusing without a little insight into the types of locks available and the few considerations that come with them. This blog introduces you to the types of van locks available, how they work, a few alternative security measures, and essential tips on how to choose the right one.

Van locks Yorkshire

The Different Types of Van Lacking Systems

There are primary three categories of van locking systems that are most popular. Each lock has its properties and is more beneficial in certain contexts than others. Van owners need to understand how each lock functions and the different circumstances they are best applied in.

Slam Locks 

Slam locks have the unique capability to lock automatically as soon as the van door is shut. While more typical locking systems involve pushing a central locking button for the mechanism to act, slam locks do not. This makes them a fantastic choice for drivers with multi-drop delivery requirements.

Slam locks function in collaboration with the built-in locking system present in the vehicle. This could include a cable or a rod, depending on the method of locking being implemented by the vehicle manufacturer.

The Slam lock has two modes of operation :

  • The driver uses a key fob to unlock the central locking system which indirectly releases the slam lock mechanism as well.
  • A physical key is used by the driver to unlock the slam lock mechanism, thus releasing the vehicle door without having to use the handle.

The best part about slam lock is that it removes the need to worry about not locking the vehicle. The instant the vehicle doors get slammed shut, they are securely locked affording the driver peace of mind. It is excellent for preventing driver hijacks in the middle of traffic in urban settings.

Dead Locks 

This is a mechanical locking system that is similar to deadbolt fittings that are commonly found installed on the front door of homes. Unlike the slam lock, the deadlock does not automatically lock and is installed separately from the default lock built in by the manufacturer. This means that the deadlock does not lock automatically upon closing.

The mechanism includes a solitary deadbolt which acts as a two-fold layer of security for the vehicle. It protects the van by securing itself to the door itself. The bolt inside is tossed into the receiver which is fitted into the opposing section of the van and can be operated by the external key.

The best feature of deadlock systems is that it has a single cylinder, hence cannot be unlocked from the inside thus protecting the van from potential window breaks. While factory locks are ideal for tradespeople who work during the day but deadlocks are perfect for adding an extra layer of protection

in the evening when the risk of crime is usually high. Deadlocks work congruent to the manufacturer lock which acts as a double-layered security.

Hook Locks  

The name of the hook lock itself describes its function, however, it does require some context to elaborate on its relevance. This is yet another solitary lock that works in partnership with the onboard locking mechanism of the car and is operated with a key.

The hook lock leverages a hook bolt that hooks onto the opposing section of the van’s body. This hook is looped over a metal bar for support. Crowbars are a favorite device used by car criminals to break into vans. Hook locks can counter the function of a crowbar. Hooks locks are manufactured with high-caliber durable metals which makes them resistant to being torn using a crowbar.

Things to Consider when Choosing Locks for Commercial Vehicles

Purchasing an extra van lock to reinforce the built-in lock of the vehicle is an excellent decision but necessitates a few considerations to choose the perfect lock.

The Need to Carry Spare Keys 

Many van owners ritualistically carry spare keys to their vehicles while others don’t out of fear of forgetting them. In the case of the latter, certain van locks won’t serve as the best option. For instance, slam locks get locked as soon as the door gets shut, so if the driver forgets to take the keys they can easily get locked out. However, if they prefer to carry spare keys or choose to keep their operations focused locally then they need not worry about it hampering their day.

The Number of People who drive the Vehicle

It is often common practice for a single commercial van to have multiple drivers, each with their key to the vehicle. Opting for multiple keys for each locking system can be expensive hence it is crucial to consider whether it can be facilitated by the budget.

Vehicle owners need to assess how likely it is for someone to lose their key. Losing a key may necessitate the replacement of the locks which is an even greater risk if many people have a copy of the key. The cost of replacing the lock has a significant role to play.

The Usual Location for parking the Van

Where the vehicle is parked at the night or during the day is an essential factor to consider. One must also consider the environment they park the vehicle in, for example in places near secured facilities or in urban towns or cities. If the diver needs to lock the vehicle conveniently each time they leave then a slam lock would serve as ideal. In case they wish to add an extra layer of security, they can opt for hooks or deadlocks.


These days van locks come in various iterations and advancements. Many locking mechanisms are designed with their affordable van alarm in Yorkshire which provides an additional layer of security. Commercial vans are subject to crime and robbery as they are usually carrying valuable goods, hence why every van owner should opt for an additional van locking system.

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